Thank you for taking time to reply. Lobbying? Try reading prof Pappe's exhaustive history of same entitled "Lobbying for Israel on Both Sides of the Atlantic" - it's facinating and Mearsheimer and Walt's "The Israel Lobby". I agree with you, it's a well established narrative - Pappé takes us back to mid 19th century. Hard to undo all this! Yes, I too have seen lots of good reporting but much of it comes from independent journalists who are also using YouTube to get the message out. Like Chris Hedges and many other 'engagés' colleagues of yours.

You don't have to answer this. I've been reading your articles for many years. Greatly appreciate them.

Thanking you

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Of course, I try to reply to almost all comments. Indeed, i read Ilan's latest book.. It's a subject I've written about over the years. One should not underestimate the role of Christian Zionists historically and currently.

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In BBC interview you say "the crux of the matter is Gaza and the need for a ceasefire" and are one of the very few Western journalists to call a spade a spade. You go on to say the US could, but has never conditioned military, financial or diplomatic aid to Israel and point out the double standards of the West. That's a lot for the BBC to swallow! Their coverage of Gaza has been shoddy to say the least. Opening headlines with great focus on 7 October but gravely insufficient context to enlighten viewers. They've never invited the likes of Ilan Pappe or Avi Chlaim, much respected Israeli historians hosted on home soil for decades. Wouldn't touch 'em with a barge pole! Keep up your good work James!

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Dear Marie-Olive, thank you for your kind words and support. I agree that coverage of the BBC and other media has been problematic but I 've also seen some good reporting. Fact of the matter is that Israeli's as well as the Zionist movement in the pre-state era understood the importance of lobbying and shaping the narrative like few others did. That has paid off well, which makes their current loss of the plot all the more stunning. Best wishes.

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